ESP8266 WiFi connector & configuration manager.

Configuration parameters:

Title Title displayed in the config web interface
APSSID Access Point SSID (for config when wifi connection fails)
APPassword Access Point password (at least 8 characters)
CustomParMax Number of Custom Parameters
ConfigPin Pin used to enter config mode during startup. When pressed it will enter config mode.
Set to 0 when not used! Set to -1 to enter config mode on power on (duration set with APtimeout).
UseWifi true = Use normal Wifi connection for config mode.
false = Use AP mode for config mode.


Setting are stored on the LittleFS filesystem in a file named "config.json". Make sure if you need to use a filesystem, you also choose LittleFS and do not use a file called "config.json"!


Download the library here.


Example how to use it:

 * Project  : Wifi Config 3 - Example
 * Version  : 1.0
 * Date     : 2024-06-21
 * Author   : MeneerKlaas

//                  GLOBAL VARIABLES
String sTitle = "Wifi Config Example";                        // Title displayed in Config menu.
String sAPSSID = "ESPConfigWifiExample";                      // Access Point for config when wifi connection fails.
String sAPPassword = "configesp";                             // Access Point password (at least 8 characters).
byte iWifiConfigState;                                        // Wifi Config State
const int iConfigPin = -1;                                    // Pin used to enter config mode. Set to 0 when not used! Set to -1 to enter config mode on power on.
const bool bUseWifi = true;                                   // Use normal Wifi connection for config mode.
const int iCustomParMax = 5;                                  // Number of custom parameters.
String sPar[5];                                               // Parameters [0..4]

// Parameter ID's
#define idPar1 1
#define idPar2 2
#define idPar3 3
#define idPar4 4
#define idPar5 5
WifiConfig3 oWC(sTitle, sAPSSID, sAPPassword, iCustomParMax, iConfigPin, bUseWifi ); // Init WifiConfig object.

void setup() {
  // On reset, ESP8266 hardware default baud rate depends on the crystal choice. With a 40MHz crystal you get 115200bps. 
  // With a 26MHz crystal you get proportionally less, 74880bps (115200*26/40).
  // Almost everyone (including Espressif) ships hardware with a 26MHz crystal, so almost everyone gets 74880bps by default.
  // I prefer to set the comminication speed to this value to also get the boot details.


  // Add Custom Parameters
  if (!oWC.addCustomPar(idPar1, "Test Parameter 1", "")) { Serial.println("Error: Parameter not added"); }
  if (!oWC.addCustomPar(idPar2, "Test Parameter 2", "")) { Serial.println("Error: Parameter not added"); }
  if (!oWC.addCustomPar(idPar3, "Test Parameter 3", "")) { Serial.println("Error: Parameter not added"); }
  if (!oWC.addCustomPar(idPar4, "Test Parameter 4", "")) { Serial.println("Error: Parameter not added"); }
  if (!oWC.addCustomPar(idPar5, "Test Parameter 5", "")) { Serial.println("Error: Parameter not added"); }

  Serial.println("Wifi Config Example");

  // Connect to Wi-Fi
  iWifiConfigState = oWC.startWifi(false);
  switch (iWifiConfigState) {
    case 0: //  0 - Config loaded and Wifi Connected
    case 1: //  1 - Config loaded but no Wifi Connection
      // No WifiConnection could be made. Try again in 1 minute.

  // Get th parameter values (those are always Strings).
  sPar[0] = oWC.getCustomParValue(idPar1);
  sPar[1] = oWC.getCustomParValue(idPar2);
  sPar[2] = oWC.getCustomParValue(idPar3);
  sPar[3] = oWC.getCustomParValue(idPar4);
  sPar[4] = oWC.getCustomParValue(idPar5);  

  // Normal part of code here. Not in config mode and Wifi connection has been made.

} //END: setup


void loop() {
  Serial.println("Wifi State: " + String(iWifiConfigState));
  for (int i=0; i<5; i++) {
    Serial.println("Parameter ["+String(i)+"]: " + sPar[i]);
} //END: loop